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E-Access Bulletin Home Page

The world's leading newsletter on access to technology by people with disabilities

The world's leading newsletter on access to technology by people with disabilities E-Access Bulletin is the world's leading email newsletter containing independent, lively news and features on all issues surrounding access to technology by people with disabilities including people who are blind or have impaired vision. It is free for anyone to receive, by simply emailing with 'subscribe eab' in your subject line.

All the monthly bulletin's content is newly researched, and written or commissioned by Headstar's own journalists. The newsletter is emailed out in plain text format, with all formatting designed to be easy to read by special access technologies such as text-to-speech and text-to-Braille.

Technologies such as the internet and mobile phones can be a great liberator to people with impaired vision, but only if they are designed to be accessible. We believe it is vital that accessibility is built into new technologies not only for reasons of social inclusion and equality but also because it makes good business sense. Bulletin coverage includes the latest news about accessible IT, smartphones and apps, digital books, online learning, digital TV and digital radio.

The target audience for the bulletin includes people with disabilities; technology companies; telecommunications companies; publishers; employers; and all public, voluntary and charitable bodies that work with people with disabilities, as well as their families, friends and carers.

For samples of our past issues, see our accessible format online archive, and for interactive versions of our more recent stories, see the bulletin's blog,