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Headstar founder publishes book on UK democracy

Publishing news published: Sunday 14th July 2013

Headstar founder publishes book on UK democracy

Headstar founder Dan Jellinek's new book People Power – a user’s guide to democracy in the UK is now out, published by Transworld.

It is a book aimed at everyone, explaining how all the elements of British democracy work, and how people can engage with them.

We live in an age when fast-developing debate over issues such as the UK's place in Europe; devolution; the freedom of the press; and the rise of the internet mean the deepest foundations of our state are starting to move and change. Ordinary people can affect this change, but only by getting involved.

What is a political party, and why should you join one? Can anyone stand for election? What is the purpose of the House of Lords, and the Monarchy? What part does a free press play in a functioning democracy? Is the European Union democratic? The book's style is direct, clear and accessible, filled with stories, ideas and insights to make people stop, think, and realise what power they hold their own hands.

As protestors around the world risk their lives in pursuit of democracy, in the UK the word has never seemed so tarnished. Surveys regularly show our politicians are not liked, not trusted and not wanted. But deep down, most of us also know we are incredibly lucky to live in a democracy, enjoying freedoms that billions of people worldwide would desperately like to win for their communities.

It all boils down to Churchill's famous saying: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time". But still, so many of us do not engage, do not vote, do not trust our politicians. What is the answer? Part of the cure must be to better understand the disease: to understand how our democracy works. This is the concept behind People power - a user's guide to democracy in the UK.

Illustrated by Harry Venning (Clare in the Community, Hamlet), the book is strictly neutral and non-partisan. It aims to show people the value of what they have, and how they can help improve it.

"People Power: A user's guide to democracy in the UK" is published by Transworld. Order on Amazon or find out more about the author and the book at Dan Jellinek's personal website or follow Dan on Twitter @DanJellinek1.
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