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Archive for the 'Education' Category

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Making accessible software, rising to the challenging

Nice to see one or two reports of this event which we ran for 70 industry representatives making it into the Bloggosphere. You can get the guides for yourself in pdf, Word, or hardcopy (for free from our Website just search for Making software accessible, a guide for Schools, or Making accessible software, a guide for developers and providers. You can access the supplementary rresources which accompany the guides as follows:

Making software accessible a guide for Schools, resources, select the ‘accessibility and access to learning’ link.
and the Making accessible software, a guide for developers and providers resources. tell all your friends.

Accessibility taken seriously in prestigious educational technology awards

The winners of the prestigious BETT Awards 2007 were announced on January 10, 2007 at the BETT Awards Dinner held at The Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane,


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